Conciliation Counseling

What Is It?

Married parties who are contemplating divorce or in the process of divorce are eligible to participate in conciliation counseling. The primary focus of conciliation counseling is to support each party to make an informed and thoughtful decision regarding their marital relationship. Conciliation counseling is initiated by the filing of a Petition for Conciliation through the court, generally requested by one of the parties. A good alternative is Discernment Counseling, which is not court ordered; however, both parties must be willing participants.

Potential benefits of conciliation counseling:

We encourage the following schedule at minimum:

Neither party is pressured by the conciliator to make a decision to divorce or to stay married as a part of this counseling. Once conciliation efforts are completed, the parties may be referred for other therapy services if indicated. Conciliation is an out-of-pocket expense. Payment is due at the time of service.

Contact Us

Please contact one of the following clinicians if you are interested in conciliation counseling.

Notice: To see if one of the following providers has availability, please click here and filter by "Accepting New Clients" then reach out to them directly to schedule.